About me: I am an avid daydreamer, non-stop dancer, overly-wordy writer, loyal friend and a delicate mixture of an extrovert/introvert. I live for laughing and learning something new everyday. After graduating in May, I realize more and more that the life we plan for ourselves is limited by our imagination and that the life that is waiting for us may be more than we can actually imagine.

Note: This blog is for my experiences during my Fulbright grant year (July 2010 - July 2011) in South Korea. The views expressed are my own and not those of the Fulbright Program, the U.S. Department of State or any of its partner organizations.

Wednesday 1 September 2010

Experiencing my first Typhoon

Well hello there, Typhoon Kompasu :)
thank you so much for greeting me this afternoon by blowing my umbrella away and making me walk home umbrella less. shit show? Yes, indeed.

Fun fact: In Korea, little babies are told that:

when it rains, it is God peeing and that when it is snowing, it is God pooping (or at least my host sisters were told this). My younger host sister laughed at me when i came home and told me to shower and clean myself off of God's pee-pee.

haha and God has white poop?! You would think the snow part would be more of God' tears or heavy dandruff.